All puppies are raised in our house with Puppy Culture
Planned Litters
Curie X Bowy litter planned early 2025

Bowy-Jenta V.D. Neerbosche Wateren
Bowy was best male at the 2023 VDPH Club Championship Match. This is what the judges had to say about him:
"Excellent sex type. For his age, already a sufficiently powerful body with good proportions. Beautiful masculine head with a good skull and wedge-shaped muzzle. Would like to see a slightly more gradual stop. Well-placed and well-carried ear. Powerful, scissor-like teeth. Well-defined lips. Sufficiently strong neck that transitions into a straight back. Slightly rising underline. Slightly tilted pelvis. Sufficient forechest. Upper arm can be positioned slightly more diagonally. Well hooked at the back. Likes to be a bit tucked in. Moves smoothly through the ring with an excellent tail carriage. Moves behind with sufficient drive and a touch narrow. Turns its front feet slightly inward. Coat in excellent condition with breed-typical feathering and a sufficiently bushy tail. Very friendly behavior. Qualification: 1st – CAC - BOS – Excellent"
His health testing is normal eyes and elbows and hips HD-A (equal to Excellent/Good OFA)